Just put this directory where you want. You need TCP-to-Blitz.lha 
from dev/basic on Aminet, and recompile your Deflibs with
bsdsocket.library1 in your amigalibs drawer in Blitzlibs: .
   Also you'll need the libs in Fr�d�ric Laboureur's NewCommandSet.lha also
in dev/basic on Aminet. You'll also need his updated Amigalibs.res resident
in the compiler options as well.
   You'll obviously need an TCP/IP stack like Miami or AmiTCP running 
(an Internet connection isn't necessary if you're just running 
it locally). Note: that to use AmiTCP you have to change the file loaded in
Localhost_Name from ENV:HOSTNAME to Env:ppp0IPLocal, or just copy (clone)
  You have to have RexxMast running to use the Arexx port. You can use
AmiComSys to control the logging into a Server if you want.
   You have to turn overflow errors off in the debugger options in 
Compiler Options.

Converted with g2h, © 24.06.1998 N. DARNIS